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The Friendswood Rotary Club sponsors this race is for canoes & kayaks and is open to everyone from the novice enthusiast to the competitive paddler. There will be two different race lengths within the same course: 4 mile course will start from 1776 and end at Stevenson Park on Cowart's Creek; 12 mile course starts at 1776 with a bouy turn at Countryside Park (old finish) and back upstream to Stevenson Park on Cowart's Creek. 

2024 Rotary Regatta - September 28th - 7th Annual


1776 Park, Friendswood, TX


7:45am - Check-in & Onsite Registration

8:40am - Check-in closes

8:40am - Race Preparations & Staging

9:00am - Race Begins!


Stevenson Park, Friendswood, TX


12:00pm - Finish Line Festivities Begin (lunch, beer, music)

12:00pm - Shuttle Service Begins - runs until 3:00pm

2:00pm - Race Closing Ceremonies



Registration Fee:


Online Pre-Registration: $40.00 per paddler

Onsite Race Day Registration: $50.00 per paddler



The Rotary Regatta is rain or shine. If cancellation does take place due to severe water or weather conditions, all entry fees will be considered as a tax deductible donation supporting the Rotary Clubs. 



Regatta Rules:



  • Please note that online registration will close on Friday, September 27, 2024 (at 2:00pm). Day-of registration is $50 per paddler.

  • Each competitor must have in their possession during the entire race an easily accessible and immediately available Personal Flotation Device (PFD) which is marked on the PFD as being approved by the U.S. Coast Guard

  • Minimum age for participation is 18, 15 to 17 with Parental Consent Form. 

  • Participates ages 9 - 14 must paddle with an adult.

  • Canoes and kayaks shall be placed in the designated starting area boats or competitors cannot touch the water until they are given further instructions by the Race Director. Any participant in the water will be disqualified if caught by a race official.

  • Inflatable canoes and kayaks that are paddled are allowed (inflatable rafts or other crafts that are ROWED are NOT allowed).

  • Outrigger canoes are NOT allowed.

  • Intentional capsizing or damaging of another competitor’s canoe or kayak will disqualify the offender.

  • The Race Director has the right to remove and/or disqualify a participant due to behavior or alcohol/drug influenced impairment.

  • All previous race numbers from previous years must be removed from boats or competitors will be subject to disqualification.





Shuttle Service HOPE VILLAGE is graciously providing free shuttle service from the finish line back to the starting line. Shuttles will run between noon and 3PM. If you will be using the shuttle, we suggest taking the shuttle early to retrieve your vehicle then returning back to Lynn Gripon Countryside Park early to avoid missing a shuttle.






Kayak & Canoe Rentals 


Participants must rent kayak or canoe on their own




What to Bring!


Paddles, PFD ( you must wear one), hat, sunscreen, snacks, whistle,



Starting Order


9:00am Recreational Kayaks / SUPs


9:20am  Recreational Canoes


9:30am  Competitive USCA C1/C2, Unlimited Solo/Tandem


10:00am 4 Mile Course



Race Divisions & Boat Specs:










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